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Ceremonial Cacao 200g

Sacred Earth Medicine

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Ceremonial Cacao from Sacred Earth Medicine is no ordinary cacao! Unlike the run of the mill "ceremonial grade" cacao products out there, this is the real deal. It is truly the highest grade, highest vibration, most energy intense cacao on the planet. It is 100% pure, organic whole bean, heirloom criollo nativo cacao (cacao chuncho) from Peru. It is simply the whole bean ground, nothing added, nothing taken away.

Don't take our word for it, try it for yourself and experience the difference!

As an ancient plant medicine and wise teacher, Ceremonial Cacao can deepen awareness of your connection to the earth and the cosmos when used in ceremony, meditation and inner work. For inspiration, try partnering with any creative endeavours. Enjoy your journey, wherever it may take you!

Friendly Warning! This Cacao may help you:

 Journey into your heart
 Inspire creative downloads
 Experience heaven on earth
 & other radical cosmic awakenings!

Ingredients: 100% Organic whole bean Criollo Cacao paste. Nothing added, nothing removed to maintain the highest vibration - pure Ceremonial Cacao.

This package contains 4.5 ceremonial doses and 7 creative doses. The inside of the pack contains usage and preparation instructions.


Ceremonial Cacao is no ordinary cacao! It is the highest grade, highest vibration, most energy intense cacao on the planet. It is 100% pure, organic whole bean, heirloom criollo nativo cacao (cacao chuncho) from Peru. It is simply the whole bean ground, nothing added, nothing taken away. When the cacao beans are ground, they form into paste, hence the name ‘Cacao paste’. Also known as ‘Cacao Liquor’, the paste is simply poured into moulds, which solidify into bricks and are then packaged to create Sacred Earth Medicine’s Ceremonial Cacao.

Ceremonial Cacao is made from a very special bean that makes up less than 5% of the world’s cacao production. This very rare and highly prized criollo bean is the same bean that the Ancients used in their ceremonies.

Many factors go into the matrix of creating a ceremonial grade of cacao. It’s not just the variety of bean and the genetics of good trees. The terroir, energy of the land, the growing microclimate, the farming techniques and production methods are also essential elements. Then there’s the love factor! The energy, wisdom and intention of the farmers as well as the shared vision and conscious connection of all hands in the supply chain. We uphold these as key ingredients and believe that Sacred Earth Medicine’s Ceremonial Cacao has got the matrix just right! Now we invite you to find out for yourself.

Ritual & Cultural Uses

The criollo bean was highly revered in ancient times. It was used as currency and valued more highly than gold. Criollo cacao was traditionally used by the priests, shamans and spiritual elite in the ancient Mayan, Aztec & Olmec cultures as a spiritual partner. We are told that the shamans of these ancient cultures infused their prized cacao beans with spirit, to give it a dimension not found in other cacao varieties. Ceremonial Cacao is an ancient plant medicine, a heart opener, a wisdom keeper, a consciousness facilitator, teacher and creative partner. In modern terms, it is classed as an entheogen.

In ancient cultures, cacao was reserved for the royal families and spiritual elite who would use it in ceremony as a gentle multi-dimensional partner to aid travel between the worlds, beyond the veil. Ceremonial grade cacao is now making a comeback as a spiritual facilitator and creative partner because of its accessibility and great taste. Hey, its chocolate after all!


Ceremonial Cacao is  ethically, sustainably and bio-dynamically sourced from a family run farm located in a powerful valley micro climate nestled between the Andes and the Amazon basin in Peru. This cacao is 100% pure criollo nativo bean (cacao chuncho) bio-dynamically grown on mature trees in the understory rainforest.

The small, family run operation keeps production at a sustainable level to ensure superior quality. With bio-dynamic farming and production techniques fine-tuned over generations, Ceremonial Cacao is produced with great love and care to ensure that it maintains all of its medicinal and spiritual properties.


  • Sustained energy lasting 4-5 hours.
  • Ability to hold a strong multidimensional focus.
  • Heart opening, great for inner work and releasing emotional blockages.
  • Increases feeling of connection to greater consciousness.
  • Deepening of spiritual and creative practices such as yoga, meditation, shamanic journeying, writing, dance, music, healing modalities, lucid dreaming, kirtan – just to name a few.
  • Antidepressant: the only food to release therapeutic levels of good feeling brain chemicals such as serotonin, endorphins, dopamine and the “love chemical” phenylethylamine.
  • Vasodilation, increasing blood flow to the brain, body and digestive system by up to 40%.
  • Liver detoxifier.
  • Increases libido.
  • Satiates feelings of hunger, can assist with weight loss (at lower doses).


  • 10g, Dreaming dose: Perfect for lucid dreaming. Take when waking in the middle of the night. Go back to bed ASAP!
  • 25g, Creative dose: Great for creative work such as writing, dance, music, artwork etc.
  • 35g, Yoga dose: For yoga, meditation and greater energy during light exercise.
  • 45g, Ceremonial dose: The recommended dose for cacao ceremonies that don't involve too much movement.
  • 57g, Full Shamanic dose: Amazing for shamanic journeying & deep meditation. Work up to this dose over 4 or 5 sessions.

Sound awesome? What are you waiting for? Get yours today!