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Sodalite Tumble Stone

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We will intuitively choose one Sodalite Tumble Stone and cleanse it in our Crystal Quartz Singing Bowl all ready to be sent to you for use.


Unites logic with intuition.  Stimulates pineal gland & third eye.  Installs a drive for truth so you can remain true to self.  It cleans electromagnetic pollution caused by computers etc.  Good for group work, bringing harmony & solidarity of purpose.  Stimulates trust & inter-dependence.  Eliminates mental confusion, calming the mind, allowing old mental conditioning to go, leaving space for new insights.  Calms panic attacks, releases negative emotions of guilt, fear or control issues.

Healing: Balances metabolism, calcium deficiencies, cleanses lymphatic glands, boosting immune system.  Helpful for all throat conditions, digestive disorders.  Cools fevers, lowers blood pressure.